How to Say Common Words and Phrases in Portuguese
Portuguese (Português, Língua Portuguesa) is a Romance language, closely related to Galician and Spanish, and the official language of over 250 million people in Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, East Timour, Macau, Cape Verde, and São Tomé/Príncipe as well as several international organizations including Mercosur, the Organization of Ibero-American States, the Union of South American Nations, the Organization of American States, the African Union and the European Union. Portuguese is a very international and growing language, and knowing even a few words will get you a long way.
Learn some on the most common basic words and expressions used in every language.- or Oi - oy (informal)
- or Tchau - ch-ow (informal. Don't use it with people you don't know.)
2 Greetings and useful phrases.
3 How are you? - Como vai? "Coh-moh vye?"
- I don't speak Portuguese - Não falo português - Nah-oom fah-looh pooh-r-tooh-guês
- Please - Por favor - Pooh-r fah-voh-r
- Thank you - Obrigado - Oh-bree-gah-dooh (if you are male) or Obrigada - Oh-bree-gah-dah (if you are female)
- You're welcome - De nada - Dee nah-dah (informal)
- or Não tem de quê - Nah-oomm tah-eehm the queh (formal)
- I'm sorry - Desculpe - Desh-cool-pah
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