Nearest bus stop 100 meters away (Patã de baixo)
From Faro Airport:
- Then you can choose one of the following transportation:
- On Faro Bus Station take the bus from the firm " EVA " that goes to Albufeira and drop off in "Patã de Baixo" bus stop. Click the image "EVA" to acess schedule. Maximum price is 4,70€ per person.
- Head to Faro train station and take a regional train from company "Comboios de Portugal (CP)" for Lagos and exit at "Albufeira" station.Click the image "comboios de portugal" to access schedules.
Maximum price of 3.30 € per person. There are discounts for children, youth and seniors.
- Follow the steps From Train station Albufeira (Albufeira - Ferreiras, Albufeira) below.
From Train station Albufeira (Albufeira - Ferreiras, Albufeira):
- Take the "Giro" (orange route) bus to Albufeira Bus Station. Has the following schedule: Monday to Sunday - From October to May from 6:30 to 21:30 and from June to September from 6H30 to 23h30 and the average waiting time is 30 minutes. The cost of the ticket is 1.40 € per person. click on image "Giro" to view map
- In Albufeira Bus Station take another bus from the company "EVA" that goes to Faro or Patã de Baixo and drop off in Patã de Baixo.For bus bound for Faro click on image "EVA" and bus bound for Patã de Baixo visit the following link :
From Albufeira Bus Station:
- Take up a bus that goes to Faro or Patã de Baixo from the company "EVA" and drop off in Patã de Baixo. For bus bound for Faro click on image "EVA" and bus bound for Patã de Baixo visit the following link :